The Red Chev is a non-profit classic (dive) bar where money goes back into our community. You do not need to be a member. However, members proudly support the following community leaders:


Hospice Wellington
Wish Foundation
Community Living
Guelph Food Bank
Humane Society
Michael House
Sunrise Horse
Poppy Fund


Music Bingo

Red Chevron 34 Elizabeth Street, GUELPH, Ontario, Canada

Live Music Saturday! The Falcons

Red Chevron 34 Elizabeth Street, GUELPH, Ontario, Canada

Awesome live music for a winter Saturday afternoon. Everyone is always welcome at the Chev!  


Live Music Saturday! Jay Carraro

Red Chevron 34 Elizabeth Street, GUELPH, Ontario, Canada

Music is for everyone! Come and join us. What a great way to spend a cold December Saturday afternoon.


Live Music Friday! Whiskey Katz

Red Chevron 34 Elizabeth Street, GUELPH, Ontario, Canada

Not just for members, CHEV is always open for everyone!


Live Music Saturday! Steve Wilson

Red Chevron 34 Elizabeth Street, GUELPH, Ontario, Canada

Don't be shy, everyone is welcome at the CHEV.


Live Music Friday! Anat Hector

Red Chevron 34 Elizabeth Street, GUELPH, Ontario, Canada

Everyone is welcome for some holiday cheer and live music. Spend an afternoon at the CHEV.


Live Music Saturday! Side by Side

Red Chevron 34 Elizabeth Street, GUELPH, Ontario, Canada

Wrong, the CHEV is for everybody not members. Come and have a drink at a traditional watering hole that supports local charity and our Guelph community.